Reason of blogging:
Blog before i forget what i dreamt about in my dream
I dreamt of you again, but this time round you survived!!
The dreamt was about Song Leng actually,
as you all know that he has a blogshop selling clothes, shoes, whatever...
So in the dream, he bring those clothes to let Salvo guys try on
But only he and Marc keep trying on,
and you all keep laughing at Song Leng as he is too big size and fat><
But seriously i can see that the clothes that he wear is about to burst!
There is this superman suit, like this:

It's quite similar to the above one, differences are:
dun have the red colour underwear,
leg part is in yelow colour,
upper body and the belt are both in dark blue.
Then when Marc try on the suit,the belt is hanging between his legs,
because his upper body too SHORT!!!
And i also dreamt about wanyi,
but nothing much, just sit there and talking to me.
That'a all, and Kelvin!!!
So sad i still didn't dream of you~~LOLX