but somehow...i am afraid of the new environment and people.
I hope every things will go smooth, please!!
I went to Clarke Quay to collect my work permit yesterday morning.
And someone asked me, why you never smile,
when i showed her my Jurong Island pass.
Then i said, i thought cannot smile?
So i decided to take a picture of all my cards/pass which have my face on it.
All serious face=p
And the passport one is like Bread Face=[
I got this guy friend who always call me Moon Face or Mooncake Face=.=
Because they are all round!
After that, i went back to studio,
it had been so long since i drummed until i perspire and got blister.
I feel good, Nana Nana Nana NA~~
I moved this 5 drums, karen "hou sai lei", hehehe=D
But i went back alone=[
Because i last minute decided to go back when i am on the way back home from Clarke Quay and i didn't tell anyone that i am going back.
You know what, i hurt my ear when i move 霜降 using my left shoulder!
The drum press on my ear ring,
and my ear ring press on my ear, then bleed=.=
So....next time be careful when you move drum if you wear any accessories!
And now i am at Malaysia, home sweet home~~
I reach Changi at 10am, my "boat queue" is number 8,
i waited for 2 hours then i board the boat lo!!!
Reached home at 1pm you know=.=
And when i reach home, i saw this,
T.T~~All the nice balloons i used on my party become like that=[